
Math Game activities. There are a number of ratio games: Single or multi-player games to build ratio recognition skills.
Website is produced by www.4Kids.org. It is a weekly newspaper feature and Web site produced at the University of Kansas by a team of educators and students with support from Advanced Learning Technologies in Education Consortium (ALTEC).

The Scale of the Universe 2

A terrific and fun website where scale issues are brought to life interactively.
Created by Cary Huang ( with technical support from Michael Huang)

Three Bean Salads

This game teaches ratio and proportion by having learners make "salads" that combine three types of beans in different combinations. The recipes are written as word problems, such as "2 Lima beans/Twice as many Red beans as Lima beans/ 10 beans in all."
A resource from the Lawrence Hall of Science, through the wonderful Howtosmile.org website.

Doodling in Math Class: Stars

The author, Vi Hart, creates mathematical videos. "This is a series of videos about doodling in math class." This specific video explores drawing stars as a way to look at ratios and proportion. This video links to the Drawing Proportional Shapes with Gears and (at SMM) the Circle Ratios exhibits.


You can learn more about Vi Hart here.

Scratch Gallery: Ratio and Proportion Projects

This is a gallery of Scratch projects that explore different ideas in ratio and proportion. Click on the project you like to explore the activity.
Scratch is a free application you can download from the MIT Media Lab for your Windows or Mac computer that lets you create animations, interactive programs, slideshows and even games.